Punjab Roadways VOLVO Bus Timetable
Latest PUNBus Time Table
Punjab Roadways operates its buses from Jalandhar to Delhi Airport as per latest PUNBus timetable.
Distance from Jalandhar to Delhi Airport is KMs.
Bus fare from Jalandhar to Delhi Airport is Rs.1260/-
Jalandhar to Delhi Airport bus timetable is given below-
1. | 07.40 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
09.10 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo | |
3 | 11.00 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
4 | 11.40 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
5 | 13.15 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
6 | 16.25 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
7 | 17.15 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
8 | 20.30 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
9 | 23.30 hrs | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
10 | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo | |
11 | Jalandhar to Delhi Airport | Ludhiana, Ambala, Panipat | Punjab Roadways Volvo |
Passengers are advised to confirm the latest bus timetable from bus stand enquiry before leaving: Helpline number: +91-80-47107878 To book online bus tickets visit- http://www.punbusonline.com/
To book online bus tickets visit- http://www.punbusonline.com/